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/ CICA 1995 August / CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Disc 2) (August 1995).iso / disc2 / programr / vbasic / receipt.exe / GRID1DLG.FRM < prev    next >
Text File  |  1993-07-22  |  18KB  |  573 lines

  1. VERSION 2.00
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  369.       TabIndex        =   24
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  372.    End
  373.    Begin Label Label5 
  374.       Caption         =   "Description:"
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  376.       Left            =   120
  377.       TabIndex        =   1
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  380.    End
  381.    Begin Label Label3 
  382.       Caption         =   "Item No."
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  384.       Left            =   5040
  385.       TabIndex        =   14
  386.       Top             =   960
  387.       Width           =   735
  388.    End
  389.    Begin Label Label2 
  390.       Caption         =   "Unit:"
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  392.       Left            =   2880
  393.       TabIndex        =   3
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  396.    End
  397.    Begin Label Label1 
  398.       Caption         =   "Quantity:"
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  400.       Left            =   240
  401.       TabIndex        =   2
  402.       Top             =   960
  403.       Width           =   735
  404.    End
  405.    Begin Label Label4 
  406.       Caption         =   "Item:"
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  408.       Left            =   240
  409.       TabIndex        =   0
  410.       Top             =   240
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  412.    End
  413. End
  414. Dim CurItem As Integer
  416. Sub Combo1_Click ()
  417.    Picture1.Picture = Picture2(Combo1.ListIndex).Picture
  418.    BEdit2.Text = ItemInfo(Combo1.ListIndex).Unit
  419.    BEdit3.Text = LTrim$(Str$(Combo1.ListIndex))
  420.    BEdit4.Text = ItemInfo(Combo1.ListIndex).Info
  421.    BEdit5.Text = Format$(ItemInfo(Combo1.ListIndex).Price, "###0.00")
  422. End Sub
  424. Sub Command1_Click (Index As Integer)
  425.    Select Case Index
  426.       Case 0
  427.          Form2.Grid1.Row = CurItem      ' Save current entry
  428.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 0
  429.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit1.Text
  430.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 1
  431.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit2.Text
  432.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 2
  433.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit3.Text
  434.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 3
  435.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit4.Text
  436.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 4
  437.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit5.Text
  438.          CompressItems
  439.          If CurItem < MAXITEMS Then   ' At bottom of list
  440.             CurItem = CurItem + 1     ' create new entry
  441.             NumItems = NumItems + 1
  442.             Form3.Caption = "Item" + Str$(CurItem)
  443.          Else
  444.             MsgBox "No Available Entry Space"
  445.          End If
  447.          Form2.Grid1.Row = CurItem       'Highlight current entry
  448.          Form2.Grid1.SelStartCol = 0
  449.          Form2.Grid1.SelEndCol = 5
  450.          Form2.Grid1.SelStartRow = CurItem
  451.          Form2.Grid1.SelEndRow = CurItem
  453.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 0
  454.          BEdit1.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  455.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 1
  456.          BEdit2.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  457.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 2
  458.          BEdit3.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  459.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 3
  460.          BEdit4.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  461.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 4
  462.          BEdit5.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  463.          Combo1.Text = ""
  464.          Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("")
  466.       Case 1
  467.          Form2.Grid1.Row = CurItem      ' Save current entry
  468.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 0
  469.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit1.Text
  470.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 1
  471.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit2.Text
  472.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 2
  473.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit3.Text
  474.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 3
  475.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit4.Text
  476.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 4
  477.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit5.Text
  479.          CompressItems
  480.          If CurItem > 1 Then
  481.             CurItem = CurItem - 1
  482.             Form3.Caption = "Item" + Str$(CurItem)
  483.          Else
  484.             MsgBox "At top of List"
  485.          End If
  487.          Form2.Grid1.Row = CurItem
  488.          Form2.Grid1.SelStartCol = 0
  489.          Form2.Grid1.SelEndCol = 5
  490.          Form2.Grid1.SelStartRow = CurItem
  491.          Form2.Grid1.SelEndRow = CurItem
  493.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 0
  494.          BEdit1.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  495.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 1
  496.          BEdit2.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  497.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 2
  498.          BEdit3.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  499.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 3
  500.          BEdit4.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  501.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 4
  502.          BEdit5.Text = Form2.Grid1.Text
  503.          Combo1.Text = ""
  504.          Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("")
  505.       Case 2
  506.          Combo1.Text = ""
  507.          Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture()
  508.          BEdit1.Text = ""
  509.          BEdit2.Text = ""
  510.          BEdit3.Text = ""
  511.          BEdit4.Text = ""
  512.          BEdit5.Text = ""
  513.       Case 3
  514.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 0
  515.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit1.Text
  516.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 1
  517.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit2.Text
  518.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 2
  519.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit3.Text
  520.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 3
  521.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit4.Text
  522.          Form2.Grid1.Col = 4
  523.          Form2.Grid1.Text = BEdit5.Text
  524.          CalcTotals
  525.          Unload Form3
  526.    End Select
  528. End Sub
  530. Sub Form_Load ()
  531.    Form3.Top = (Screen.Height - Form3.Height) / 2
  532.    Form3.Left = (Screen.Width - Form3.Width) / 2
  534.    Combo1.AddItem "1  Candy Bar"
  535.    Combo1.AddItem "2  Cheeseburger"
  536.    Combo1.AddItem "3  Chips"
  537.    Combo1.AddItem "4  French Fries (small)"
  538.    Combo1.AddItem "5  French Fries (large)"
  539.    Combo1.AddItem "6  Hamburger"
  540.    Combo1.AddItem "7  Visual Basic 1.0"
  541.    Combo1.AddItem "8  Windows 3.1"
  542.    Combo1.AddItem "9  Pizza"
  543.    Combo1.AddItem "10 Soda Pop (small)"
  544.    Combo1.AddItem "11 Soda Pop (large)"
  545.    Combo1.AddItem "12 6' Sub Sandwich"
  548.    If Form2.Grid1.Row > NumItems Then
  549.       NumItems = NumItems + 1         ' Entering new item
  550.       Form2.Grid1.Row = NumItems
  551.    End If
  552.    CurItem = Form2.Grid1.Row
  554.    Form2.Grid1.Row = CurItem
  555.    Form2.Grid1.SelStartCol = 0
  556.    Form2.Grid1.SelEndCol = 5
  557.    Form2.Grid1.SelStartRow = CurItem
  558.    Form2.Grid1.SelEndRow = CurItem
  560.    Form2.Grid1.Col = 0
  561.    BEdit1.Text = LTrim$(Form2.Grid1.Text)
  562.    Form2.Grid1.Col = 1
  563.    BEdit2.Text = LTrim$(Form2.Grid1.Text)
  564.    Form2.Grid1.Col = 2
  565.    BEdit3.Text = LTrim$(Form2.Grid1.Text)
  566.    Form2.Grid1.Col = 3
  567.    BEdit4.Text = LTrim$(Form2.Grid1.Text)
  568.    Form2.Grid1.Col = 4
  569.    BEdit5.Text = Format$(Val(Form2.Grid1.Text), "##0.00")
  571. End Sub